#Advocating for the things that matter
Stakeholder engagement is highly valued by Suncorp as an important means of building trust and confidence.
Regular proactive engagement with a range of stakeholders helps us make considered and balanced decisions. We identify key stakeholders based on the level of interest and impact they have on our business, and the opportunity to collaborate for more positive outcomes. We use a process of ongoing formal and informal engagement, ensuring we are proactive, respectful, transparent and uphold the highest ethical standards.
#Engaging with government and industry
Through our engagement with government we seek to deliver enhanced outcomes and positive changes for our customers and other stakeholders.
We are committed to conducting these activities transparently, ethically and honestly. Our Political Engagement Policy clearly outlines the Group's position on political donations and is monitored centrally through our Corporate and Regulatory Affairs team.
We continue to work through our industry associations including the Australian Banking Association (ABA), the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), the Insurance Council of New Zealand, and the Financial Services Council in New Zealand, to address systemic issues, improve standards and ensure better outcomes for our customers and stakeholders.
In Australia, Suncorp’s political expenditure for FY24 was approximately $100,000. Suncorp complies with all Federal and State disclosures and our political expenditure reflects a non-partisan approach to political engagement.