#Code of Conduct
Suncorp’s Code of Conduct helps bring our purpose to life and is guided by our cultural principles. It also aligns with both the General Insurance Code of Practice. Our Code of Conduct also reflects our Risk Culture Principles and is strengthened by our new Being @ Suncorp behavioural standards.
Suncorp recognises that consequence management is critical to drive the best outcome for customers and to ensure the right culture across our organisation. Throughout this year, all executive and non-executive employees continued to have conduct linked with individual performance and reward outcomes.
#Whistleblower policy
Our Whistleblower Policy outlines the confidential service available to all our people and suppliers to raise concerns of suspected or actual misconduct.
#Remuneration practices
Suncorp is committed to a fair, transparent and responsible remuneration framework. The Board ensures Suncorp’s remuneration arrangements are strategically aligned and reinforce executive accountability, responsible business practices, effective risk management, as well as drive a company culture.
#Increasing transparency
Increasing the transparency of Suncorp’s business activity and non-financial performance is key to meeting customer and community expectations. In recent years we have improved disclosure of our corporate responsibility objectives, performance highlights and future activity.
A full list of non-financial metrics we track is available in the Sustainability Data Pack.