Annual Review
Create a better today

Our purpose is to create a better today for our customers, shareholders, communities and our people.

We want to help families, individuals and businesses enjoy the life they live today and plan for the life they want tomorrow.
#Message from CEO & Managing Director
#Performance highlights
Net profit after tax
81 cps
Total dividend
Cash return on average
shareholders' equity
Level One complaints
resolved in 5 days
Reduction in air travel
Consumer net
promoter score

We have a deep understanding of our customers' needs. We're providing a choice of transparent and flexible solutions, from both Suncorp and our partners, to help our customers in the moments that matter.

Delivering responsible financial services and sustainable growth are at the heart of how we operate. We’re focused on building resilient communities and advocating for changes which deliver value our stakeholders.
#Building resilient and sustainable communities

Our culture is demonstrated in the behaviour of our people and is driven by our shared beliefs and experiences.
#Creating a diverse and inclusive culture