#How we support our customers and communities after a severe weather event
Suncorp has been protecting Australians and their homes for more than 100 years. We have seen first-hand the devastating impacts natural disasters can have on families, homes and communities.
Helping customers of all our brands, including Suncorp, AAMI, GIO and Apia, get back on their feet after a disaster is our number one priority. It’s what our customers expect and a moment that matters to them, and us.
To find out more visit our Resilience hub.
#Natural Disaster Response Plan
Suncorp's natural disaster response plan details our approach to supporting our customers in the event of major natural disasters and weather events. The impacts of a changing climate mean that wild weather will continue to be a fact of life. We are improving the performance of the claims supply chain, building end-to-end digital claims lodgement and tracking, and maintaining market leadership in how we respond to natural disasters.