Claims Specialist by day, TV’s iconic Gogglebox personality by night


Suncorp Group prides itself on empowering its people to bring their whole selves to work – celebrating what makes them, them. In this series, we meet some of the Group's inspiring people – highlighting their unique hobbies and pursuits outside of work, and how Suncorp supports a meaningful work/life balance. Welcome to the Sun Chasers series.


Claims Specialist by day, TV’s iconic Gogglebox personality by night

Meet Anastasia Katselas: Suncorp Claims Specialist and TV’s iconic - and hilarious - Gogglebox personality

Instantly recognisable for her larger-than-life personality on reality TV show Gogglebox, Anastasia Katselas' zest for life makes her as much-loved with her fans as with her customers.  

Now appearing in her 19th season, Anastasia’s warm humour and quick wit has been broadcast into millions of homes for over a decade. During this time, she has navigated the familiarity of fame and all its commitments, while raising a young family and juggling a full-time career. 

Though a natural in front of the camera, Anastasia had never considered a career in TV. She described the day she caught the attention of the show’s casting director a ‘sliding doors’ moment. 

“I was working at a market one day, helping my mum after my dad had recently passed away. A casting director was walking around and just approached me at the stall," she said. 

"I remember I was cursing loudly – I was breaking an egg carton into six for a customer and dropped the eggs - the timing! 

"Out of nowhere he handed me a brochure about the show, and I gave him my details, but as soon as he walked away, I threw the brochure in the bin and didn’t give it a second thought. A few days later I got a call and, as they say, the rest is history.” 

Anastasia Katselas (right) with her Gogglebox partner and best friend Faye Kontos. Photo credit: Channel 10

Now a household name, Anastasia said she was amazed at how popular the show had become, and relished simply being herself on screen. No airs or graces. And, while a program about people watching popular TV sounds pretty relaxing for the talent, it involves long days and a lot of Anastasia’s free time.

Suncorp Group Claims Specialist and Gogglebox star, Anastasia Katselas

It’s a long process of sitting in front of the TV for five to six hours, two to three nights a week. We have a production team set up the cameras at my house with the producer in tow, and we discuss what we are watching. Then, the cameras roll, and they just let us say whatever we want.

“Some days it’s not easy but I have good family support. My kids are older now but when I first signed to the show, they were 11 and 12 and I was a single mum. It was hard at the beginning.” 

Having the support from her colleagues at Suncorp Group has also played a part in balancing work and home life. Anastasia noted her positive working relationship with her managers as a huge plus – encouraging both her development at Suncorp Group and commitments when off the clock. 

“When I first started at Suncorp, I had to notify my manager of times I needed to give to Gogglebox; be it for events, promotional work and travel to Sydney, or to attend races or Grand Prix, for example," she said. 

"My leader from the get-go has been very supportive, helping me navigate the time I need if/when it clashes with work. 

“I admit it can be challenging. The days I work at Suncorp, (I then) get home and immediately start shooting,” she confessed. 

“I finish one job and go into the other straight away.  On days where I’m also filming, I have a 7am start and finish at 3pm, then maybe an hour’s break before the camera rolls, and wrap up about 10pm.” 

Despite the demands and continual juggle of work/life balance, Anastasia plays to her strengths. Her relatable TV personality is not just for the cameras. A natural people person, Anastasia said she felt most purposeful when she was speaking with customers and helping others. 

Suncorp Group Claims Specialist and Gogglebox star, Anastasia Katselas

I love my role as a Claims Specialist. I am good with people – and I get to help people.

“I love the fact that people feel comfortable talking to me, helping them to lodge claims in those stressful life moments, providing updates on their claims."

Anastasia said she doesn’t often get recognised over the phone while at work – but when it does, she takes it in her stride. 

“I don’t mind the attention," she said. "It makes me happy that I make them happy. There’s been about six or seven occasions where I’ve been discussing a claim with a customer and all of a sudden, they say, ‘I know that voice! You’re off Gogglebox'.” 

What do her colleagues think of having a celebrity in their midst? 

“LOL,” she laughed. “I asked them this question and they said, ‘What celebrity? You’re just Anastasia to us'.” 

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