Belinda Speirs
Chief Executive People, Legal and Corporate Services
BSocSci, BProc, MAICD

#About Belinda
Belinda was appointed Chief Executive People, Legal and Corporate Services in September 2024 and is responsible for Suncorp’s People, Legal, Company Secretariat, Procurement, Real Estate and Partnering teams.
Prior to this, Belinda was the Group Executive who led the completion of the sale and transition activities of Suncorp Bank to ANZ.
Belinda has also previously served as the Group General Counsel responsible for the insurance and corporate advisory, litigation, legal operations and group financial crimes teams, and led Suncorp's response to the Financial Services Royal Commission.
Before joining Suncorp, Belinda spent nearly 20 years in private legal practice in both Australia and South Africa.
#Board of Directors

Christine McLoughlin AM
Chairman & Non-executive Director

Steve Johnston
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director

Gillian Brown
Non-executive Director

Sylvia Falzon
Non-executive Director

Elmer Funke Kupper
Non-executive Director

Ian Hammond
Non-executive Director

Sally Herman
Non-executive Director

Simon Machell
Non-executive Director

Lindsay Tanner
Non-executive Director

Duncan West
Non-executive Director

David Whiteing
Non-executive Director
#Senior Executives

Steve Johnston
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

Jeremy Robson
Chief Financial Officer

Lisa Harrison
Chief Executive Consumer Insurance

Michael Miller
Chief Executive Commercial & Personal Injury Insurance

Jimmy Higgins
CEO Suncorp New Zealand

Belinda Speirs
Chief Executive People, Legal & Corporate Services

Adam Bennett
Chief Information Officer

Bridget Messer
Chief Risk Officer