Simon Machell
Non-executive Director
BA (Hons), FCA

#About Simon
Simon Machell has been a director of the Group since April 2017. He is a member of the People and Remuneration Committee.
Simon is a non-executive director of Prudential Assurance Company Singapore. He is also Chairman of the Pacific Life Re Limited Australian entity board, and a director of its Bermuda entity boards. As a non-executive director of Tesco Bank and Chairman of Tesco Underwriting in the UK, Simon has considerable insight into changing customer expectations and engaging customers through digital channels.
Simon brings to Suncorp an international perspective on current industry trends in insurance, and insights into the risks and opportunities associated with emerging technologies and new business models. He has deep operational and strategic knowledge of the insurance industry and has planned and delivered significant change programs. In his executive career, Simon spent ten years in CEO roles at Norwich Union/Aviva and has extensive skills in the day to day management of an insurance business. He has expertise in claims management, sales and finance and gained his experience in Asia Pacific and Europe. This domain knowledge allows him to both support and challenge management on all insurance related matters.
Simon’s other insurance related roles outside of Australia ensure that the Suncorp approach remains globally competitive and best in class.
#Board of Directors

Christine McLoughlin AM
Chairman & Non-executive Director

Steve Johnston
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director

Gillian Brown
Non-executive Director

Sylvia Falzon
Non-executive Director

Elmer Funke Kupper
Non-executive Director

Ian Hammond
Non-executive Director

Sally Herman
Non-executive Director

Simon Machell
Non-executive Director

Lindsay Tanner
Non-executive Director

Duncan West
Non-executive Director

David Whiteing
Non-executive Director
#Senior Executives

Steve Johnston
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

Jeremy Robson
Chief Financial Officer

Lisa Harrison
Chief Executive Consumer Insurance

Michael Miller
Chief Executive Commercial & Personal Injury Insurance

Jimmy Higgins
CEO Suncorp New Zealand

Belinda Speirs
Chief Executive People, Legal & Corporate Services

Adam Bennett
Chief Information Officer

Bridget Messer
Chief Risk Officer