Suncorp and the Clontarf Foundation team up to help prepare for storm season


Suncorp’s community partner gets behind the Storm Ready Streets campaign to educate Queenslanders on the importance of preparing for storm season.


As part of our Storm Ready Streets campaign seven young members of the Clontarf Foundation volunteered their time to help prepare a local campsite for the storm season ahead, and secure a $1000 Suncorp grant that will benefit their school's Duke of Edinburgh program which uses the campsite.

Nathan Perrin, Clontarf’s North Queensland Regional Manager was there on the day lending a hand, noting how proud he was of the efforts put in by the young Clontarf volunteers. “A big part of today is around the community aspect; the boys just really love getting out and giving back” says Mr Perrin. 

The campsite the boys cleaned up is used by the Bluewater Girl Guides and their leader Joan Barber was also in attendance on the day.

Ms Barber noted how incredibly grateful they were for the effort the Clontarf boys had made to help clean up the large property. “We have 11.5 acres of property to maintain, situated on the banks of Bluewater Creek” said Ms Barber. 

“It is a big job to get the property ready for storm season, but the boys have been doing a fantastic job.”

Scott Cooper, Suncorp’s Manager for Industry & Community Relationship said, “We’re taking the lessons we’ve learnt from years of event response and paying it forward as an education program. It’s a way of engendering a community together in, what could be, a significant storm season.”

New data has once again revealed Townsville as the #1 storm hotspot in Queensland, and we will continue to help local communities in storm affected areas take appropriate measures to keep their families, their homes and their communities safe.

Queenslanders can prepare for storm season by completing general maintenance, trimming overhanging trees and branches, removing any loose debris, cleaning out gutters and downpipes, and securing or putting away items outside. To find out where you can prepare for storm season, check here

About the Clontarf Foundation

The Clontarf Foundation is a not-for-profit that exists to improve the education, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate meaningfully in society. 

Students are supported through Clontarf Academies, located in over 129 high schools nationally. Full time, locally-based Clontarf Foundation team members mentor and counsel the students on a range of behavioural and lifestyle issues, while the school caters for their educational needs. Find out more on the Clontarf Foundation, here.

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